Thank you for the response, however the title for the base wiki and the farmed 
wiki still contain the same title.

The steps I went through are:

To keep it simple, I created a new folder and have downloaded a fresh copy of
Unzipped to the new directory C:\Home\FarmTest\pmwiki. (I have changed the Home 
directory for XAMPP to C:\Home.)

Created C:\Home\FarmTest\pmwiki\index.php:
<?php include_once('pmwiki.php');

Created C:\Home\FarmTest\pmwiki\local\config.php:
<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
$WikiTitle = "My New Wiki";

Created C:\Home\FarmTest\pmwiki\local\farmconfig.php:
<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
$FarmPubDirUrl = 'http://localhost/FarmTest/pmwiki/pub';

Created a new 'farmed' wiki at C:\Home\FarmTest\farmed.

Added an index.php:
<?php include_once('../pmwiki/pmwiki.php');

Created C:\Home\FarmTest\farmed\local\config.php:
<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
$WikiTitle = "New My Wiki";

I have done nothing extra for customization other than the title. Both sites 
work independently.

From: pmwiki-users <> on behalf of Petko Yotov 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: [pmwiki-users] Localhost Farm

In a farm, you should have the following structure:

* base directory pmwiki
** file pmwiki/pmwiki.php
** directory pmwiki/local
*** file pmwiki/local/farmconfig.php where you set all common
configuration, will be loaded before individual local/config.php files.

fields: could be any directory, either (a) the same pmwiki above, or (b)
a subdirectory like pmwiki/field, or (c) a separate directory on the
server, for example:

* (case a) directory htdocs/pmwiki (same as above)
** file htdocs/pmwiki/index.php with content "<?php
** directory pmwiki/local (same as above)
*** file pmwiki/local/config.php for the base wiki
** directory pmwiki/pub/skins where are the skins

* (case b) directory htdocs/pmwiki/field
** file htdocs/pmwiki/field/index.php with content "<?php
** directory htdocs/pmwiki/field/local
*** file htdocs/pmwiki/field/local/config.php for the field
** directory htdocs/pmwiki/field/pub/skins where are the skins

* (case c) directory htdocs/otherfield
** file htdocs/otherfield/index.php with content "<?php
** directory htdocs/otherfield/local
*** file htdocs/otherfield/local/config.php for the field
** directory htdocs/otherfield/pub/skins where are the skins for the

("htdocs" is the document root of the XAMPP server software, may be
"www" or something else)

See if your installation is in one of these cases, fix it otherwise, and
report if that fixed the $WikiTitle.

About the skins of the fields, PmWiki expects the skins to be in a local
"pub/skins/skinname" directory, not in the base
"pmwiki/pub/skins/skinname" directory, or you could do some additional
configuration. If you have problems with the skins, that is, if the skin
appears to change but the browser fails to load the CSS files
(styles/colors/icons), then you may need to set the variable $PubDirUrl
in farmconfig.php.


On 11/11/2018 01:01, Monte Padget wrote:
> I have successfully created a farm with about half a dozen wikis
> running on a web server. I downloaded them and attempted to set them
> up locally to test some additional Cookbooks. When I tried to run,
> using XAMPP, the main Farm wiki works well, with some updates, but the
> additional ones do not. The skin is will not change for the farmed
> sites won't accept their different skin, nor will the page title. I
> tried to create a vanilla farm and found the same issue.
> main config.php
> $WikiTitle = 'Cham Wiki';
> farmconfig.php
> <?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
> $FarmPubDirUrl = '';
> Sub config.php
> <?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
>   ## Title of your farmed wiki
>   $WikiTitle = 'New Wiki';
> Both wikis show 'Cham Wiki' as the title.
> Is there a conflict with XAMPP or localhost/ What else am I
> missing?
> Thank you.
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