Your old wiki can display the ?action=diff and ?action=source pages, so PmWiki appears to be plugged in. A problem like yours -- blanking of pages or sections -- happens when a PHP installation is upgraded from PHP5.3 or older to PHP5.4 or newer -- and for that specific case the problem is the htmlspecialchars() function. I added a function PHSC() that can be used instead of htmlspecialchars() in PmWiki addons, to prevent the section blanking.

Update PmWiki, the skin and all addons.

Check if the skin is correctly and fully copied -- if there is not some file missing, like the skin.php file.

Disable all addons, local customizations and the skin and test the old wiki. Then enable them one after another, and reload the wiki every time in your browser. At some point the problem will reappear, and you'll know which of these caused the problem, and we'll start from there.


If you upgrade :

On 02/02/2019 09:19, wrote:

I use pwiki for now a very long time and I have a strange problem. I
may solve it the hard way, rebuilding all my system, but if I could
understand what happened it could be way faster.

In short, yesterday I suddenly noticed that my web site was no more
working, with the main page only displaying the triad background (and
a "hide" left button). I moved the hole wiki here where you can see

(this move may disturb some of the setup)

I'm the only one allowed to write on the wiki, every one being able to
read it. I write page almost daily. pass is crypted

The rebuilt wiki is here

as you see it works pretty well, but with no of the extensions I use normally.

the "defaced" pmwiki install was one version late. It's managed by
softaculous, so my first move was to update and this didn't change
anything as you can see (the wiki.def is the updated one)

so I wonder if there is something wrong in triad? my triad version is
pretty old (2010)

any hint appreciated,


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