On 07/05/2019 03:16, Philippe Krait wrote:
I'm trying to use the "Mini" Recipe again as it has always worked well in the past. I have also changed the environment, I'm now hosted instead of
using my own server, which might make a difference.

Anyway, the problem is that it still works to display existing minis on
existing pages, but the script seems to be broken as it does not generate new minis for new pictures. Everything else seems to work, the links are
there and the image display works, but I get the "unknown" image box
instead of the minis, normal as they are not being generated.

When migrating to a new hosting environment, sometimes there are differences with page permissions. Can you upload a new picture with the ?action=upload PmWiki function? If you can, Mini should work with the same permissions. Otherwise read the documentation of your hosting on what permissions the directories need to have, and you may need to fix the permissions of any existing directories. (When creating a new uploads subdirectory PmWiki in most cases can calculate and set the correct permissions but this is not done for already existing ones.)

Can you insert a picture with Attach:new.jpg in a page, say Main.WikiSandbox, does the picture appear embedded in the page? When you change this to Mini:new.jpg what happens, does it show the alt text as if the thumbnail file doesn't exist? Right-click on the thumbnail or alt text, select "Open picture in new tab" (or something like this), what does it say when you open that URL? Going back to the ?action=upload, do you see a file like "th00---new.jpg.jpg" in the list of attachments?

Have you enabled Caching for Mini? Do you have other recipes/additional functions enabled for Mini? If so, first disable them until the rest is fixed.

Sometimes the server needs to have the GD functions specifically enabled in PHP: on Ubuntu I need to install the package "php7.3-gd".

If the original picture is very large, the server may need a lot of memory to process it. Try with a picture smaller than, say, 900x900 pixels. PHP may need between 3 and 4 bytes per pixel, so if you upload a 24 Mpx photo (5696 x 4272 pixels) the PHP process will need at least 72 MB RAM (actually a little more). If it doesn't have enough memory, it will crash. See the recipe SystemLimits in the Cookbook on what to try.

Have you tried loading the page in a different browser?

I have tried looking at the code but unfortunately, it's a bit too advanced
for me, I don't know how the minis are generated and when, it might be
linked to the "action=mini" that I don't truly understand either.

When a page is saved, Mini checks if thumbnails for the selected pictures already exist, and if they are newer than the originals. If so, it simply embeds the existing thumbnails.

If there are pictures without thumbnails, or with thumbnails last modified (usually "created") before the last modification stamp of the originals, then it embeds in the HTML of the page a special URL to itself with ?action=mini.

When the browser requests that action=mini URL, a new thumbnail is created from the original, saved to the uploads directory and sent directly to the browser. On subsequent page requests, as the thumbnail already exists, the URL in the page will be its direct URL, so the browser gets it faster.

Anyway, suggestions would be appreciated as this is a really great and
simple recipe. I am using the latest version site, downloaded it yesterday
to be sure.

I assume you use PmWiki 2.2.114 and Mini 20181115.

Which version(s) of PHP, PmWiki and Mini

Are there any messages in the Apache or PHP error logs?

Is there a public URL we could review? Ideally with a way to upload a new file for the testing.


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