I use it for a few different sites.  F86M.com is mainly for my own amusement and learning, every 6 months or so I'll look in to a feature I can implement, but my main problem is a lack of time. Most others stay closer to the base template.

And I run an intranet at work for managing pages of class material and videos for students.  Staff only needed a little training on how to use the page editor, and a few savvy ones did custom group/page .css editing.

It's quite easy to modify and manage compared to other CMS options I looked at.

On 29/04/2019 10:43 am, J@HH wrote:
Looking for working or demo sites to help me visualize whether PmWiki will work for the public site I have in mind,


Judah Freed
HokuHouse.com <http://HokuHouse.com>
Kauai, Hawaii

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