> Ok, I got the link now after specifiying a mime type.
> Ufortunately it didn't work after clicking the link:
> PmWiki can't process your request
> # Unable to generate CodeMirror mode dependencies file
> (/www/vhost/xyz.xyz.chalmers.se/htdocs/Farm-2.2.97/cookbook/cm-modes-dependencies.php).
> # Configuration data given below:
> $CodeMirrorModesReferenceUrl = '$FarmPubDirUrl/codemirror-5.48.0';
> SDVA($CodeMirrorModeSpecs, array (
>    'text/apl' => 'apl',
>    'application/pgp' => 'asciiarmor',
>    'application/pgp-encrypted' => 'asciiarmor',
>    'application/pgp-keys' => 'asciiarmor',
>    'application/pgp-signature' => 'asciiarmor',
> [cut long list]

This message indicates that the recipe didn't get enough permissions
to write it's dependencies file into the cookbook directory, and in
this case you should have been able to copy-paste most of the ouput to
manually create the file yourself, but apparently, I missed something

Please wait a day or two a fixed release.

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