Thanks Petko for all of your efforts.

I have several fields in my PMwiki farm and I REALLY appreciate how
upgrades from one version to the next never seem to break anything. So
some of the recipes I use may have been replaced by core features and I
just don't realize it. That said, my farm cookbook folder contains:

- analyze (site analyzer)

- commentboxplus

- filelist

- mini

- my-actionlog (actionlog customized to NOT log LAN hosts)

- phpmerge (IIRC, used because I don't have an external diff3 to detect
simultaneous edits)

- redirectmap


On all of the fields I have:

- private - a one-liner to kill recording of Private stuff in

- author


On 2019-08-29 3:59 PM, Petko Yotov wrote:
> Tell me what you think. What recipes/addons do you install on your
> wikis (especially if you have installed multiple wikis)?
> I am interested in features you and your editors actually use, not
> "might be nice", and that do help editors create better content with
> less effort.

Neil Herber

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