That didn't format well. I figured out some thing I had wrong. Added wrap=none to get id of the div. Found my extraneous newliune in my pagelist. What I'm trying to do is embed the output of the pagelist in the middle of raw html on a page to draw a chart. But now I'm down to:

<p>['', 43],
['Sales', 174],
['Development', 46],
['IT', 116],
['Customer Support', 145],
['HR', 21],
['Product Management', 28],
['Finance', 35],

I just need to somehow get rid of the paragraph around it all.

On 11/16/19 9:54 PM, Christopher Cox wrote:
Is there any way to just have the values and not the html from a pagelist (as in what gets returned in the page source)?

<div class='fpltemplate'><pclass='vspace'>['Sales', 174], </p> <pclass='vspace'>['Development', 46], </p> <pclass='vspace'>['IT', 116], </p> <pclass='vspace'>['Customer Support', 145], </p> <pclass='vspace'>['HR', 21], </p> <pclass='vspace'>['Product Management', 28], </p> <pclass='vspace'>['Finance', 35], </p> </div> Instead, I'd like just: ['Development', 46], ['IT', 116], etc...

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