You need to install and enable the php-gd image functions. On Ubuntu the package is named


where 7.4 is your current active PHP version on the wiki.

In some cases you may need to enable it in your php.ini file, by removing the initial semi-colon from the line:


You can see where is your php.ini by going to pmwiki.php?action=phpinfo when remote diagnostics are enabled with $EnableDiag = 1;.

Then you may need to restart Apache.

See other cases:

If you upgrade :

On 20/12/2019 14:58, Johan Bengtsson wrote:
I get this error in the log with captcha and php 7.3.12 + pmwiki-2.2.120:

Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function
imagecreatetruecolor() in

The captcha is not displayed.

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