On 27/01/2020 20:43, nikos wrote:
I did some mentioning in the pmwki.org for a few recipes I've found...

  Cookbook.Svg-Talk . . . 2019-12-05 02:36 by nikos?: problem with php
7.2 (+134)

This has been available in the core out of the box since 2.2.85 about 4 years ago (2016-03-31)

Insert the svg in your page like you would insert another image. All browsers released in the last 8 years support it: https://caniuse.com/#feat=svg-img

  Cookbook.Audio5-Talk . . . 2019-12-05 02:32 by nikos?: problem with
php 7.2 (+133)
  Cookbook.Video5-Talk . . . 2019-12-05 02:29 by nikos?: problem with
php 7.2 (+128)
  Cookbook.Flowplayer-Talk . . . 2019-12-05 02:22 by nikos?: problem
with php 7.2 (+124)
  Cookbook.Flash-Talk . . . 2019-12-05 02:16 by nikos?:

The authors of these recipes may not check the Talk pages, maybe try to contact them via e-mail.

I wrote and maintain a "competing" addon https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Ape that does video and audio among other embedded content, and there are other recipes for audio and video -- there are solutions and you have a choice.

BTW Flash has reached end of life, and is no longer officially supported by browsers.

  Cookbook.DotsInLinks <--- for PmWiki versions 2.2.55 and older

It is not only

  "Cookbook.DotsInLinks for PmWiki <= 2.2.55"

that doesn't work with PHP 7.2. It is

  "all of PmWiki <= 2.2.55"

that doesn't work with PHP 7.2.

Indeed, since 2.2.55 I have been busy publishing and documenting 70 (seventy) PmWiki versions and written 3 different versions for that same recipe.

There are even busier people who simply cannot find the time to upgrade, and their hosting provider finally got them. :-)

My company provides upgrade and migration services (for hire) to busy people for any PmWiki installation including addons -- get in touch.

Maybe add them to the list (category)?
I am not certain, though, that it is php 7.2 that breaks them.

We add the recipes that we know to work in PHP 7.2 to the category [[!PHP72]]. Currently 207 Cookbook pages and 76 skins are listed there:


If a recipe is not there, test it but assume it might not work in PHP 7.2.


Στις 26/1/20 12:45 μ.μ., ο Robert Riebisch έγραψε:
Hi nikos,

According to my personal (don't know php) experience: up to 7.1

With 7.2 many recipes have issues.
Until those issues are fixed, you will have to disable those recipes.

But how will recipe authors get notified about the issues, if all recipe
users stay with PHP <= 7.1?

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