I'm setting up a new instance of PMWiki.   The site is running pmwiki-2.2.133.

When I go to edit a page I get prompted for a user / password.  But when I save, I also get prompted for a user / password.

From my config.php file

## Set up some users
$AuthUser['Astro'] = pmcrypt('astropassword');
$AuthUser['Robot'] = pmcrypt('robotpassword');
$AuthUser['@editors'] = array ('Astro', 'Robot');

# Now give them edit ability
$DefaultPasswords['edit'] = array(pmcrypt('editpagepassword'), #global edit password
    '@editors');  # and the editors

## Turn on auth system
I can edit pages as logging in as Astro and Robot with their password. I can also edit with the global password.  (The site Admin has the same behavior)

I've been through the Password page and the Auth User page and didn't see any other special setup info

1) How can I stop the double login (one on edit, one on save)? 

2) Is there a way that I can get a single login to be remembered?   When I go to edit the file, I put in the user / password, and on the edit page I get View, Edit, History, Print and Logout links.  But once I do the save (with the second authentication) there is no longer a Logout link.  In a more perfect world I'd be able to login once and have it stick.
a)  I have tried using the Auth User form and it shows a logon, but it does not seem to stay.
b) I've tried setting $EnableIMSCaching = 1;   to both zero and one and the results don't change.

3) Is there a way to display the name of the current user inside a page?  I thought {$AuthId} would display it, but it's not showing a value. 

4) Is there a way to display the members of the @editors group?

Thanks for your help!

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