I just realized that since all I use the MSWord on my laptop for is
spellchecking things written in POD (via my pod2rtf), its user lexicon
(happily full of terms like "undeffing" and "dereferences" and "lvalue" and
the like) is a decent snapshot of US English computing terms that are
indispensible to Perl (if not necessarily Perl-specific, like "MacOS").
But first I'll ask: does such a wordlist already exist?

If not, then I might as well pop this (as a plaintext file) onto CPAN.
Would anyone find this useful?

And/or: I could use bundle it with my (currently unreleased) rudimentary
POD-to-text formatter that emits only the plaintext output that a
spellchecker should pay attention to -- i.e., like pod2text minus verbatim
blocks, C<...> content, things $like_this, etc.  It's called, of course,

Sean M. Burke  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.spinn.net/~sburke/

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