Now that perlpodspec has (hopefully) come to clear up some of the nastily
hazier aspects of Pod  processing, I have starting wondering: what next?
And the answer I keep coming up with is this: writing a new Pod parser
module, basically from scratch, having it be perlpodspec-compliant from the
get-go, and having that be the canonical spec-compliant Pod parser.

That begs the question: what should its interface look like?  If it's
tree-based, what grammar would describe the trees it generates, and would
the node class interface look like?  If it's event-based, what how should
its events differ from Pod::Parser's events?  And how do I decide whether
to make it tree-based or event-based?  One surprising thing I've learned is
that some people strongly prefer tree-based parsing systems, whereas other
people strongly prefer event-based parsing.

The solution that most appeals to me currently, is to make this
hypothetical module take Pod as input, and spit out XML as output, which
the author of a Pod processor would then direct to whatever Pod parser he
prefers.  This obviates most of the above-mentioned problems.
Specifically, people who like event-based processing would direct the
output stream to an event-based XML parser, and those who like tree-based
processing would direct it the tree-based XML parser of their choice.  One
of the nice things about XML is that with it, there's only a notational
difference between processing models where every token generates an event,
and tree-based processing models.  Moreover, this avoids having to actually
write and maintain a Pod-specific tree node class.  Plus there's safety in
numbers, since everyone and their dog is processing XML these days, so It
Has To Work.

Thoughts, anyone?

Sean M. Burke    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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