On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 03:00:19AM -0800, Sean M. Burke wrote:
> At 03:08 AM 2003-09-02 -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> >and the following is illegal because it contains only numeric items yet 
> >does
> >not start at 1 and does not proceede consecutively nor in order.
> >[...]
> >But you just changed Pod::Simple to accept that without warning.  Shouldn't
> >the spec be altered to match?
> Yeah, maybe.  In general, I don't consider the rejection of "illegal" forms 
> to be a high priority for parser.  DWIM is vastly more important.

DWIMness be built into the spec.

> >> It is my intention in the spec to mean that the two following numeric 
> >lists
> >> should be considered synonymous:
> >Ok.  Why?  And why particularly 1. and not 1) or 1:?  Seems an odd and 
> >unnecessary special case.  Unless there's a large body of existing POD 
> >which expects this to be so.
> There's a large body of existing POD which expects this to be so.

Fair 'nuff.

> (And as always, we return to the problem: how do we deal with the bodies?)
> Anyway, what do you care why "1." and not "1)" ?   Is this some Hegelian 
> dialectic?  YOW -- Is my aura being AUDITED?

Just trying to understand the spec.

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
I need a SHOWER a BURGER and some ROBOTS, STAT!
        -- http://www.angryflower.com/allrigh.gif

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