Dear Pod People,

I think it's been at least a year since I've been able to happily sit down and really maintain any of my CPAN modules. I can't put my finger on why, but they all just seem too complex to me now, so that dealing with them seems about as thrilling a prospect as doing tax forms over and over. I /want/ to be responsible and to maintain them all for as long as there's interested users for them, but I just can't make myself get around to actually processing bug reports, much less considering adding features.

I don't know if this is a factor of my age, neurology, climate, job environment, or any of the other things that make me-now different from me that started writing CPAN modules seven or eight years ago. But since my inertia seems permanent, I've decided that the needier among my modules will need a "fresh pair of eyes", i.e., new owners/maintainers.

So I have passed ownership of Pod::Simple over to Allison Randal.

(And as a super-bonus, I threw in Pod::Escapes, Pod::Spell, and Pod::Webserver, which are three closely related modules that would be part of the Pod-Simple dist if not for historical accidents.)

Some time ago, Allison refactored /and/ optimized the deeply Lovecraftian Pod::Simple::BlackBox, /and/ figured out how to merge Pod::Simple and O'Reilly's in-house Pseudopod format. Those acts of berzerker-like derring-do convinced me that she's perfect for the task of ruling Pod::Simple with an iron fist. Moreover, her close relationship with Perl 6 makes her all the more behoovey for this task.

Long live the New Flesh!

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