Gabriel Berriz wrote:
I understand this is a FAQ but I have not been able to find the
answer: is there a way to include chunks of POD within another POD,

But the idea seems too obvious for it not to have been implemented
by now.

Sometimes an idea is obvious while its implemantational problems are not so obvious. Obviousness is tricky. But that bit of philosophizing aside...

I remember years ago having some compelling-seeming counterargument to having an "include this" directive, but I (quite frustratingly) can't remember anymore what it was. I think I might have been worried about people including /etc/passwd; and if we forbid absolute pathnames, then they would include "../../../../../../etc/passwd", or the like. So maybe either they have to be files from the same directory, and/or they would have to be modulenamish-specs, like "This::That::Whatever", where that would mean the first $_/This/That/Whatever(\.pod|\.pm|something??} in @INC.

Also, I really doubt you'd want this to be a N<...> formatting code. Instead, I'd suggest a =foo directive. And this also brings up the possibility of including a part of a given file, by line range (easy) or maybe by being between lines somehow marked as being start-of-thingy-A and end-of-thingy-A. (This is a bit harder to implement, but sure could be handy.)

And logically, I guess the inclusion would have to happen at parse-time -- we couldn't very well turn "=include whatever" into a construct that meant the same thing in the target language, given that few target languages have such a construct anyway.

Thoughts, anyone?  Reductiones ad absurdum?  Cheers?

Incidentally, this is tangential to, but quite distinct from the problem of saying "and now drop in the image foo.png", where you're doing something that's like inclusion, but not like inclusion in the sense we just talked about above. In this case of "=for image thingy.png" or anything similarly semihypothetical, we have a similar problem with pathnames and whatnot -- but in that case it's messier:

With some output formats (like RTF or PDF) you drop in some form of the raw image data; but troublingly, in other formats (HTML comes to mind most), you /can't/ drop in the raw image data, so there has to be particularly clever changes to the pathname -- not only do you have to figure out how to resolve "foo.png" to an actual file, but then you have to figure out how to turn that into something that will make sense in a <img src="_"> for whatever purposes the user has in mind. This is all in the way of combining a desire to make implemantational notes, with a harrowing lack of caffeine.

Sean M. Burke

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