Some days ago the following development releases of Pod-Perldoc (and
their corresponding changes) reached CPAN:

2008-04-22 (
        * Development release 3.14_05 -- Search perlvar
        * Applied patch to allow -A for searching perlvar.
          (after a patch by Ovid, 2008-02-26)
          [ #33624]
        * [RFC] the switch name is experimental: I am open
          to convincing alternatives (other than -v and -V
          which are already taken).
2008-04-16 (
        * Development release 3.14_04
        * 'lib' & co. are added to search path if -f Build.PL
          in current directory ( #33941)
        * bug fix: 'blib' directories were never searched
          because they were tested with -f

Adriano Ferreira

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