On 05/20/2011 03:16 PM, Ricardo Signes wrote:
* Marc Green<pongu...@gmail.com>  [2011-05-20T16:24:21]
links. More specifically, I understand how it resolves L<>  links, but I am
confused as to why you resolve C<>  "links". From reading the source, I
gather that C<>  "links" are resolved by searching pod documents for =item
directives, and storing their text in a global hash.

Marc is referring to comments like this:

my %Pages = ();                 # associative array used to find the location
                                 #   of pages referenced by L<>  links.
my %Items = ();                 # associative array used to find the location
                                 #   of =item directives referenced by C<>
                                 #   links


# scan_items - scans the pod specified by $pod for =item directives.  we
#  will use this information later on in resolving C<>  links.


My guess is that it's just plain wrong, so no wonder it's confusing. Perhaps it's reflecting an early design, or perhaps it's just a typo, and L was meant instead of C. L<> can link to =items provided they are of a type that permits that. Currently, the only ones that are are ones that are in what html calls definition lists, at least in Pod::Html.

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