
I have searched for a pod checker that finds missing internal links,
but I haven't found one.

More precisely, podchecker coming with perl 5.10 gets it wrong, it 
finds multiple defined labels because it takes only into account the 
beginning of an =item, for example



is the same for this podchecker (and I guess it is 'open').

The pod simple checker do not check for multiple labels.

podlint do not find these either.

Maybe podlinkcheck does it, but it also do much more.

Did I miss something?

Maybe this would be an interesting addition to Pod::Simple?

The perl-5.14.2 documentation, maybe because there is no warning
emitted by any of the pod formatters used to process it, has
missing labels, in perlfunc.pod, perlapi.pod and perltoc.pod.


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