I stumbled across a bug in Pod::Simple the other day: It does not create the promised {'raw'} structure element usable by parsers for L<> constructs if they occur within another formatting code, such as the fairly common C<L<foo::bar>>.

I figured out a way to fix this, but in doing so I realized that Pod::Simple does not catch nested L<... L<...>...>, contrary to the specification:

 Authors must not nest L<...> codes. For example, "L<The L<Foo::Bar>
         man page>" should be treated as an error.

Pod::Simple does not treat this as an error. I think it should. Is there any disagreement?

Rather than aborting parsing at the point where this occurs, I think it should continue on, but generate an errors section, like it does for most other errors. Properly handling nested L<> is tricky. Currently, it sort of works, but the generated output for html doesn't link properly, as one can't nest links in html. I came up with this tentative message, which perhaps explains too much of how I was able to easily keep parsing with this error, and still fix the original {'raw'} bug; improved wording welcome:

Nested L<> are illegal. Pretending inner one is X<> so can continue looking for other errors.

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