Hi all,
I managed to embed a file (or file content/string) into a PdfMemDocument. Now I want to extract it again and don´t find a way...
----- Embed file -------
PdfMemDocument document;
document.AttachFile( PdfFileSpec(TEMP_FILENAME,
                  (const unsigned char*)(fileData.toStdString().c_str()),
                  fileData.size(), &document) );
------ Extract file ------
PdfMemDocument* pdfDoc = new PdfMemDocument(pdfFilename);
PdfNamesTree* namesObj = pdfDoc->GetNamesTree( PoDoFo::ePdfDontCreateObject );
if( namesObj )
    PdfDictionary dict;
    namesObj->ToDictionary( PdfName("EmbeddedFiles"), dict );
    const TKeyMap& keys = dict.GetKeys();
    TCIKeyMap it = keys.begin();
    while( it != keys.end() )
        qDebug() << (*it).first.GetName().c_str();
        // How to get the file content from filename?
I tried using a PdfMemStream but I didn´t get it to work. Any suggestions on how to get the embedded file back from the pdf?
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