
PoDoFo Team!

Soory for my bad English.
I want to write a Japanese Text in PDF file,but I failed.
The following is my code:
    PdfMemDocument* mDoc= new 

    PdfPage*       curPage;

    PdfPainter      painter;

    PdfIdentityEncoding encoding(0, 0xffff, true);
    PdfFont* pUnicFont =mDoc->CreateFont("Arial Unicode MS", &encoding, true);

    PdfString sJap(reinterpret_cast<const 

In Windows system(system’s language is Japanese),compilation of the code is 
right,but running is wrong.
The wrong code is” PdfString sJap(reinterpret_cast<const 
But in Linux system(system’s language is English), compilation and running is 
all right,but "「Po\tDoFo」は今から日本語も話せます。" is not correctly writed in PDF file.
Chinese character is invisible, English character is visible.

Please explain where I'm wrong.

Thank you!

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