> On 09 March 2018 at 16:04 張修銘 <cges30...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hello, 
> I downloaded snapshot of podofo from SourceForge and tried
> to build it on Manjaro Linux, but I encountered an error. Here
> is part of the error message: 
> [ 66%] Linking CXX executable podofocolor
that your build got this far means that the podofo library
proper got built without (apparent) error. Have you tried to
use it in a program? 
> CMakeFiles/podofocolor.dir/luaconverter.cpp.o: In function 
> `LuaConverter::StartPage(PoDoFo::PdfPage*, int)': 
> luaconverter.cpp:(.text+0x280): undefined reference to `lua_getglobal' 
> luaconverter.cpp:(.text+0x2d4): undefined reference to `lua_callk' 
Please restart make with the VERBOSE=1 argument to get to know
the command line for this linking. Is the Lua library mentioned?
(I acknowledge that it being missing from the system should have
been detected during configuring: the cmake run on the top-level
CMakeLists.txt file. If you have it: Which version is it?)
... snip ... (because the error message have the same form, only
Lua symbols are reported missing, so the probable cause is the
Lua library not being mentioned: what is the cmake output on this?)

> Does anyone knows how to solve it? 
You can try to give cmake an argument 
(of course replace the path by the real one in your system)
or to check for a successful build of the library give the argument
-DPODOFO_BUILD_LIB_ONLY:BOOL=TRUE to cmake, this will deactivate
building the tools, tests and examples.

I hope this helps (untested, sorry). Please provide answers to
my questions above.

Best regards, mabri

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