On 10 March 2018 at 15:40, zyx <z...@gmx.us> wrote:
> On Thu, 2018-02-22 at 12:41 +0100, Francesco Pretto wrote:
>> Currently the API support setting annotation appearance only from
> PdfXObject [...] the appearance can be set from a generic PdfObject.
> >
> [...] I'm against this API change. It's better the API reflects what is
> possible.

Actually, I also changed my mind about the proposed change and I don't
support it anymore. I proposed it since there's inside the
SetAppearance method only the wrapped PdfObject is used, meaning
there's actually a loose constraint on PdfXObject. Also, if one want
to provide a getter method, it should better return PdfObject and not

I will post updated appearance getter method again since it's very useful.


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