[ corrections in quoted text ]
Hello Gilles, hello all,
> On 04 July 2018 at 08:00 Gilles Maire <gil...@gillesmaire.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I developped chordV on sourceforge 
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/chordV using libpodofo and Qt5
> All is fine on Linux machine, and I try to install podofo on Mingw 
> provided by Qt5 on windows. I got a log of error messages. I don't know 
> if I can use different Mingw  version from the one provided by Qt.

What error messages did you get? It's difficult to help without them,
especially for people who don't have time/opportunity to install Qt on
Windows 10, who would otherwise well be able to help. So please attach
the log of error messages as a plain text file to your answer email.
> I don't know a zlib mingw version I have to install on Windows10. I found 
> 2005 releases only

If your MinGW doesn't include it, it's probably best to compile it yourself
from its source code (as I understand Question 13's answer in the zlib DLL
FAQ from www.zlib.net/DLL_FAQ.txt which also has, in Question 1's answer,
requirements for using the name ZLIB1.DLL for a redistributed zlib DLL).
The current version available from its original web site https://www.zlib.net
is 1.2.11 from January 15, 2017.
> Is there anyone who can help me ?

I don't know if there's anyone on this mailing list who has a sufficiently
similar installation to yours to be able to help you without you giving
the error log you got (not as an image, such was already seen on this list,
but as a plain text, preferably utf-8, attachment).
> Thanks
> Gilles

Best regards, mabri

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