Sorry, forgot to mention - had tried with both 0.9.3 from APT package repo 
(ubuntu xenial machine), and 0.9.6 built from source and got same errors.

On 21 August 2018 at 17:36, Dominik Seichter 
<<>> wrote:
hi Richard,

can you please try with the latest podofo release. 0.9.3 is abit outdated.

best regards

richard lang <<>> schrieb am 
Di., 21. Aug. 2018, 06:43:
Hi all,

Having trouble with trying to load various geo-referenced pdfs generated by 
ArcGIS 10 with podofo library/utilities.

With podofo 0.9.3 typically seeing an error message similar to the following:

Error: An error 5 ocurred during uncompressing the pdf file.

PoDoFo encounter an error. Error: 5 ePdfError_UnexpectedEOF
    Error Description: End of file was reached unxexpectedly.
    #0 Error Source: 
        Information: Unable to load objects from file.
    #1 Error Source: 
        Information: Unable to load xref entries.
    #2 Error Source: 
    #3 Error Source: 

which seems to indicate an invalid xref table.

I don't think this is a podofo bug as such, as various online pdf validators 
I've tried also flag the documents as problematic, however my local pdf viewing 
software can load and display them successfully, as can poppler library 

I can see a couple of similar complaints have cropped up in the mailing list 
over the years, regarding documents with bad xref tables that many other pdf 
utilities cope with but podofo refuses to load.

Any suggestions on how to work around this, or what enhancements might be 
needed in podofo to cope better with this potentially non-fatal error condition 
would be appreciated.

Example problem file to be found at


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