On Tue, 2018-08-28 at 13:09 +0200, Federico Kircheis wrote:
> I just tested, but that code does not get triggered, ie 
> `pAcroForm->GetNeedAppearances()` returns `false`.

oh, okay, I didn't look into your pdf files, it had been just one
reason (known to me), which can cause the issue. If I recall correctly,
when you let Acrobat Reader show the previous version of the document,
then it shows the signature as valid too. I do not know what else could
cause the Reader think the first signature is wrong. Whether the
linearization has any impact on it I also do not know.

It would be interesting to ask Adobe directly, but I'm afraid such
large companies is harder to contact. Like I tried to report an issue
with their Courier font, it's incomplete, thus generated PDF files with
base14 Courier font has missing symbols, but I never heard back from
them. It's few years ago.

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