Whee.  The test results that everyone dreads... win32.

Just a few comments on this... there appear to be several warnings on the 
tests below on Kernel.pm, line 1267.  After googling for a bit, I found 
this reference to waitpid() on win32 not particularly liking -1 if you want 
a non-blocking wait... I have yet to fully understand Kernel.pm, so this 
may or may not apply, but the original message is at 
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/perl-win32-users/555975 and 
below are the test results.  Cheers.  :)

Windows 2000 SP2 5.00.2195, ActiveState 629, nmake 1.62.7022, cl 11.00.7022.

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.62.7022
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1997. All rights reserved.

         C:\Perl\bin\Perl.exe ./lib/deptest.perl
Reading dependency hints from NEEDS.
Gathering files from MANIFEST.
Building dependency tree.

*** Optional parts of this distribution need at least one additional module
*** which is either outdated or not installed.  These parts will be
*** installed, but their features may not be usable until their
*** dependencies are installed or updated:
***     POE::Kernel::Event wants Event
***     POE::Kernel::Gtk wants Gtk
***     POE::Wheel::Curses wants Curses
***     samples/tk.perl wants Tk 800.021 or newer
***     t/06_tk.t wants Tk 800.021 or newer
***     t/07_event.t wants Event
***     t/12_signals_ev.t wants Event
***     t/21_gtk.t wants Gtk
***   Please consider installing the most recent: Curses Event Gtk Tk
*** Optional parts of this distribution may work better if at least one
*** additional module is installed or updated.  These parts will be
*** installed, but they may not work as well as they could if their
*** dependencies are installed or updated:
***     POE::Kernel::Tk works better with Tk 800.021 or newer
***     POE::Wheel::Run works better with IO::Pty
***   Please install the most recent: IO::Pty Tk
         C:\Perl\bin\Perl.exe -Mblib -IC:\Perl\lib -IC:\Perl\lib -e "use 
rness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;" t\00_coverage.t 
sessions.t t\02_alarms.t t\03_aliases.t t\04_selects.t t\05_macros.t 
t\06_tk.t t
\07_event.t t\08_errors.t t\09_wheels_unix.t t\10_wheels_tcp.t 
t t\12_signals_ev.t t\13_wheels_udp.t t\14_wheels_ft.t t\15_filter_block.t 
filter_stream.t t\17_filter_ref.t t\18_filter_line.t t\19_filterchange.t 
cept.t t\21_gtk.t t\22_wheel_run.t t\23_nfa.t t\24_filter_stack.t t\25_detach.t
Using C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib
t\01_sessions.......Invalid argument at 
C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
t\01_sessions.......ok, 2/29 skipped: Windows doesn't seem to do signals
t\02_alarms.........Invalid argument at 
C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
t\04_selects........ok 2/13Invalid argument at 
C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
t\06_tk.............skipped: need the Tk module installed to run this test
t\07_event..........skipped: need the Event module installed to run this test
         Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
DIED. FAILED tests 20-60
         Failed 41/60 tests, 31.67% okay
t\09_wheels_unix....skipped: Windows doesn't seem to do UNIX sockets
t\11_signals_poe....skipped: Windows doesn't seem to do signals
t\12_signals_ev.....skipped: the Event module is not installed
t\13_wheels_udp.....Invalid argument at 
  line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
t\14_wheels_ft......select error: Bad file descriptor at macro 
slice (defined in C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel/Select.pm at line 
276) invoked from C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1171
         POE::Kernel::run('POE::Kernel=ARRAY(0x1e954b0)') called at 
t\14_wheels_ft.t line 206
         Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-9
         Failed 9/9 tests, 0.00% okay
t\20_accept.........Invalid argument at 
  line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
Invalid argument at C:/poe/POE-0.1701/blib/lib/POE/Kernel.pm line 1267.
t\21_gtk............skipped: need the Gtk module installed to run this test
t\22_wheel_run......skipped: temporarily bypassed...
Failed Test      Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

t\08_errors.t              2   512    60   41  68.33%  20-60
t\14_wheels_ft.t         255 65280     9    9 100.00%  1-9
7 tests and 2 subtests skipped.
Failed 2/26 test scripts, 92.31% okay. 50/510 subtests failed, 90.20% okay.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Perl\bin\Perl.exe' : return code '0xff'

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