On Friday 07 December 2001 07:02 am, you wrote:
> > I use STDERR to signal The Wheel::Run's job completion as I'm using
> > STDOUT as a data stream channel.  When I get a specific 'done' event from
> > STDERR I kill the wheel.  I guess it's possible the STDERR event is
> > caught before the STDOUT pipe is flushed.  The sleep 2; fixed this in
> > most instances, but I still end up with lost data 5-10% of the time.
> Please do not do things like that. You cannot avoid races with delays, even
> if they are really big. You should be happy instead, that you found it :)
> Is this behaviour because input events now go through the queue, and
> signals not ? Or did I miss something ...

my $coderef = sub {
  my( $request ) = $_[0];
  my $sent_header = 0;
  my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 45 );
  my $response = $agent->request($request, sub { &data(\$sent_header, @_) },  
.... deal with possible responses ...
   sleep 2;


sub _start {
.... lots of tests on things ...
.... decided I need to run Wheel::Run ....

$self->{run} = POE::Wheel::Run->new(
  Program => sub { $coderef->( $self->{request} ) },
  StdoutEvent => 'stdout',
  StderrEvent => 'stderr',
  Filter => POE::Filter::Stream->new()

Where would I be calling delay?  It seems to me I'd need to replace my sleep 
call with it, but that coderef knows nothing of POE and it's running in a 
child process.  Should I be passing off KERNEL to $coderef->( ) and calling 
delay from within the coderef?

I don't know if this has to do with Input Events and the queue.  I've always 
experienced this behavior with CVS.  I haven't tested with earlier code.

How do I know how long of a delay to use?  Is using STDERR to signal 
completion to the parent also bad karma?


> torvald

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