On Friday 07 December 2001 04:15 pm, you wrote:
> > I'm using PoCoCi:UA 0.03 and I encountered a problem while using regular
> > LWP::UserAgent style callbacks.  From PoCoUA's POD:
> >
> > '""callback"" "callback" is an optional subroutine reference. If it is
> > specified, the subroutine will be called as chunks of the response are
> > received.'
> >
> > However, as far as I could tell the callback is blocking.  I had actually
> > tracked it down to LWP somewhere where a while() would call the callback
> > with data chunks as they came in, but I can't find it now.
> I am not sure what you mean by "the callback is blocking". Like the POD
> says, the callback mechanism is inherited from LWP::Parallel, so it does
> not use POE events or anything else from POE. A callback is just a sub
> reference that will be called every time a chunk of data is received.
> You can control the maximum size of the chunk.

Well, what I meant might not be the slightest bit accurate.  What I was 
attempting to express was that it seemed to me that when LWP saw that it was 
given a callback ref that it looped on a sysread() and called that callback 
whenever there was data, thusly not returning control until it had finished 
receiving the whole request.  I was looking at LWP UA though, not LWP 
Parallel, so what I saw probaby has little to do with reality is in this 
situation.  That's pretty common for me anyway.

> > The result was my callback only received the first data chunk and then
> > the rest mysteriously vanished.  I would get an HTTP::Response back from
> > UA indicating success, but the data was missing in action.
> Right now there seems to be a problem with the callback implementation
> in LWP::Parallel. Currently the only way to make it work properly is by
> returning undef from your callback. However, in that case you will get
> a warning about usage of undefined value somewhere in LWP::Parallel.
> But otherwise callbacks do seem to work correctly if you return undef.

Well, I wasn't doing that, so perhaps that was my problem.

Thanks for the reply.

> One more thing is that the current LWP::Parallel (2.51) does not work
> with LWP 5.60+ very well. It was not designed to support HTTP/1.1, so
> that may or may not work, but I'd guess it probably won't. Also you'll
> need to fix a couple of obvious compilation errors in LWP::Parallel if
> you want to run it with LWP 5.60 or LWP 5.61. In fact I myself am
> running LWP::Parallel 2.51 with LWP 5.61, and getting no real problems.
> But if you want to be safe and don't want HTTP/1.1, then get LWP 5.53
> until Marc updates LWP::Parallel.
> Kirill

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