On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:48:55 -0500  Rocco Caputo wrote:
 | On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 10:57:20AM -0700, Chris Fedde wrote:
 | > The following code gives me two identical read errors.  Is there a way to
 | > tell which is associated with the close of the stdout file handle?
 | [code]
 | Not yet, but only because an interface for it hasn't been hashed out.
 | Would it be better to receive two error events or just one after both
 | handles closed?
 | If two error events, I can add a new argument (ARG4?) with a copy of
 | the file handle.  The code to deal with both handles is left as an
 | exercise for others.
 | If one error event, then the wheel can take care of waiting for the
 | process to fully close.  On the other hand, code that uses Wheel::Run
 | will have less control over how the child program cleans up.

I've fantasized about two interfaces.  First would be to put the
string 'STDIN' or 'STDERR' (or descriptors 1 or 2) in ARGV4 and
assume the user knows that '$_[ARGV1] eq 'read' and $_[ARGV3]==0' is an
EOF on a non blocking file handle.

Another would be to have the Wheel do the work and introduce two
new events:  StdinEOF and StderrEOF.  But this seems more like something in 
the component layer than the wheel layer.

I notice that changes in 0.18 ensure that the error event does not
arrive till all the data before the error has arrived?



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