I just released an alpha version of POE::Component::SNMP and
would like some help with testing.  This is not a CPAN
release.  I have included a small test suite which I hope
will grow as new bugs are identified.  If you don't have
time to help out resolving bugs that surface, sending me the
output of a 'make test' would be wonderful!  Please don't
try this code on network devices running in a production
environment, remember this is alpha software.

You can find the latest version of PoCo-SNMP at



use POE qw( Component::SNMP );

    Alias     => 'snmp',
    DestHost  => '',
    Community => 'public',
    Version   => 1,
) or die "$POE::Component::SNMP::ErrorStr\n";

    inline_states => {
        _start     => sub {
            $_[KERNEL]->post('snmp', 'get', 'callback',
['sysDescr', 0]);
        callback => sub {
            my ($response, $error) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];
            print "got snmp response\n" if $response;
            print "error: $error\n"     if $error;


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