On Sat, Aug 10, 2002 at 12:15:20AM +0200, Arthur Bergman wrote:
> On fredag, augusti 9, 2002, at 03:33 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > Then go take that time and improve ithreads performance ! :)
> > That's a prerequisite for transaction support somehow ...
> >
> > torvald
> >
> How so? And whats wrong with the performance?

you need some sort of concurrency. processes or different machines instead
of threads works, but would be too slow. cooperative multi-tasking would
work as well, but then you'd need to split up all methods where
accessors are called that belong to resources which could be locked.
acquiring all the locks at the beginning of the method sucks. so,
threads should be best way (-> "... somehow").

according to how i interpreted the ithreads ml posts several users are not
quite happy about performance, especially memory usage. it's good work
and they like it but had thought that it would be better.

that doesn't really affect POE.

more accurate and smiley removed,


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