> some simple additions to the POE::Wheel::Run module

I'm interested in what other changes beyond the directory argument you have
in mind.  I've implemented the chdir feature in PoCo::Child which is a layer
on top of Wheel::Run and would be interested in whatever improvements you or
anyone might suggest.

- e

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 4:00 PM
Subject: Feedback on POE::Wheel::Run changes

I understand that there is a long-term goal to supercede POE::Wheel::Run
with a component module with the tentative title of POE::Component::Process
(http://poe.perl.org/?V1.0-TODOS) and there has been a discussion on the
mailing list previously about how the POE::Wheel::Run module could be
improved.  In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, I have made some
simple additions to the POE::Wheel::Run module which I have needed for some
in-house projects which I would like to get some feedback on.

The first of these changes is a simple addition to include a Directory
parameter to specific the location from within which the program specified
is executed.  The diff for these changes against the CVS version of
POE::Wheel::Run (version 1.44) is as follows:

< use vars qw($VERSION);
> use vars qw($CWD $VERSION);
>   use Cwd;
>   sub FETCH { cwd }
>   sub STORE { defined $_[1] and ( chdir $_[1] or die $! ) }
>   sub TIESCALAR { bless \$_, shift }
>   tie $CWD, __PACKAGE__;
> };
>   my $directory = delete $params{Directory};
>     # Change the current working directory and maintain within this scope
>     local $CWD = $CWD;
>     $CWD = $directory if defined $directory;

Note that this creates a locally scoped directory change for execution and
should not affect execution of other components and wheels.

I also have changes for username and group specification with name rather
than UID/GID, bute these changes are very minor and depends upon the
getpwnam and getgrnam functions which may affect portability of the change.

Comments and feedback welcomed.


Rob Casey
Implementation Analyst
Essential and Direct Mail Development
Hermes Precisa Australia (Victoria)
Phone : (03) 9217-5501

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