On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 04:09:41PM -0600, Alan Hastings wrote:
> Hi --
> New POE user, trying to install 0.25 on cygwin/Win2K (CPAN install),
> encountered several issues:
> 1. t/22_wheel_run......Possible memory corruption: ioctl overflowed 3rd
> argument at
>  POE/Wheel/Run.pm line 281.
> POE::Kernel's run() method was never called.
> The code in question is just passing along the local window size... 


>     Pre-extending the window_size buffer seems to avoid the problem:
>           my $window_size = 'x' x 25;      # 25 is probably plenty big enough

Thanks for looking into this.  I've applied that to CVS, and it will
appear in version 0.26.

> 2. t/08_errors.........FAILED test 21
> Test 21 is a POE::Wheel::SocketFactory test with bogus SuccessEvent and
> FailureEvent values.  It seems to be failing when it attempts to listen on
> the socket without first binding it.  t/08_errors.t does not provide
> SocketFactory with a BindPort argument for test 21, but when I add one, it
> succeeds just fine.  I suppose the test should find a free port somehow and
> include it, but I don't know what issues this raises on other platforms.
> The listen() on Solaris appears to have no issue with the same code.

Test 21 is for UNIX domain sockets.  It seems odd that applying a
BindPort would fix it.  Does Cygwin support UNIX sockets at all?

I haven't applied this patch because I'm not entirely certain it's the
right solution to this problem.  Can you try the CVS version and fix
against that?

http://poe.perl.org/?Where_to_Get_POE has some CVS instructions.

> It installed on my laptop with the above adjustments, and runs my app as
> well as it does on Solaris.  Portable development platform!  w00t!
> I haven't seen much concerning cygwin issues in this forum... that's either
> really good or it means nobody is using POE with cygwin.  ActiveState and
> cygwin appear to be the only choices for Windows... can anyone summarize the
> relative merits vis a vis POE applications?  Anybody actually deploying real
> apps using cygwin?

In the absence of Cygwin feedback, your guess is as good as mine.  I
can say that I have an ActiveState environment, and have been known to
test and/or debug things under it from time to time.  That said,
Cygwin probably supports more POE features because it's closer to a
UNIX environment.

Certainly that the tests only gave you two problems says something
nice about Cygwin.  The tests are riddled with MSWin32 checks (but not
as many Cygwin checks) to disable several features.

-- Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://poe.perl.org/

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