On Thu, Feb 05, 2004 at 11:15:44AM +0000, James Brown wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm new to POE (although I've asked for your help before) and am trying 
> to build a talking web browser for blind users (University final year 
> project).
> Basically, I would really appreciate some advice on using POE and 
> particularly, the Component::Client::UserAgent ('PoCoClient').

The short answer: Try POE::Component::Client::HTTP instead.

The longer answer:

I upgraded Perl recently and needed to install LWP::Parallel again to
try your program.  It gives the helpful message

  Installing: LWP::Parallel::UserAgent

             **** WARNING: Unsupported Version of libwww found! ****

  This library only supports libwww up to version 5.65. You seem to have
  version 5.76 installed, which has not yet been tested by the package author
  for compatibility. Some or all tests might fail!

  Install at your own risk, or wait until a more recent version of this library
  is available.

whereupon it fails to test and install.

The Client::HTTP component has fewer dependencies, and fewer
inter-dependency problems, but it only supports the HTTP and HTTPS

Roocc Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://poe.perl.org/

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