On Sat, 2004-03-06 at 06:15, Alex J. Avriette wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 07:50:13AM -0600, Jay Strauss wrote:
> > I think I did not explain my problem correctly.
> You did explain it correctly, and Rocco answered correctly.
> > The idea is the Client::TCP connects to a stock quote server somewhere else
> > on the network.  The Server::TCP lets local clients connect to it.  I'd like
> > to prevent the local clients from connecting (or shut down the Server::TCP
> > completely) when the quote server is unavailable.
> In this circumstance, I would think it would be fairly easy to use something
> like Wheel::SocketFactory and just delete the whell when your connection to
> the quote server went away. At that point, you could just set a delay to poll
> for when it comes back, and reinstantiate your whee

See also $wheel->pause_accept(); and $wheel->resume_accept(); in



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