Wait scratch that ... its the read:

while(defined(<$sock>)) { print; }

Where the hanging block is happening.
And I'm still at a loss as to how to remedy this ...


John Christian wrote:

Hi, I've got a [seemingly] simple question:
I'd like to connect to my POE::Wheel::SocketFactory based server with an IO::Socket::INET based script.

I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary with my server or client sockets, but the statement in my IO::Socket based client:

print $poe_sock "CMD\n";

Doesn't return at all (i.e. it just blocks forever)! Though, the server does indicate that it recieved CMD, and continues accepting other connections just fine.
Interestingly, I'm able to telnet to the server and issue commands, which works fine. Also, I tried various "\r\n" combinations in the client just to be thorough, thinking that would be why telnet was succeeding ... but to no avail.

Any ideas?


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