They get cleaned up automagically, don't they?
----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:32 AM
Subject: Learning if the client disconnected

> Hi, how do I tell if the client has disconnected from my poe server?
> Regardless if it was a clean disconnect or a <ctrl-c>?
> I've tried catching it with
> POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(...
>     ErrorEvent => 'client_error');
> But I don't alway get an error if the client <ctrl-c>s.  If the client
> down cleanly or not, I'd like to get rid of the client in my
> $heap->{clients}
> Thanks
> Jay
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> $|++;
> package poe;
> use base qw/Class::Accessor/;
> __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/
>                 twsHost twsPort serverVersion clientID clientPort
>                 callback connected port retryInterval debug errorMsg
> /);
> use POE qw(Wheel::ReadWrite Wheel::SocketFactory Filter::Reference
> Driver::SysRW);
> sub new {
>         my $class = shift;
>         my %arg = @_;
>         die "no callback provided" unless $arg{callback};
>         $arg{twsPort}            ||= 7496;
>         $arg{twsHost}            ||= "localhost";
>         $arg{clientID}           ||= 1;
>         $arg{clientPort}         ||= 11002;
>         my $self = $class->SUPER::new(\%arg);
>         POE::Session->create(object_states => [ $self =>
>                 [qw/
>                         _start
>                         listenerSuccess
>                         listenerFailure
>                         clientInput
>                         client_error
>                         listenerStart
>                 /],
>         ]);
>         return $self;
> }
> sub run {
>         $poe_kernel->run();
> }
> sub _start {
>         $_[KERNEL]->yield("listenerStart");
> }
> sub listenerStart {
>         my ($self, $heap) = @_[OBJECT, HEAP];
>         print "Starting Listener on port: ",$self->clientPort,"\n"
>                 if $self->debug;
>         $heap->{listen_wheel} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new(
>                 BindPort     => $self->clientPort,
>                 SuccessEvent => 'listenerSuccess',
>                 FailureEvent => 'listenerFailure',
>         );
>         print "Accepting Connections\n";
> }
> sub listenerSuccess {
>         my ($self, $heap, $handle) = @_[OBJECT, HEAP, ARG0];
>         my $client = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
>                         Handle => $handle,
>                         Filter => POE::Filter::Reference->new(),
>                         Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new(),
>                         InputEvent => 'clientInput',
>                         ErrorEvent => 'client_error',
>                         FlushedEvent => 'flushed_state',
>         );
>         $heap->{clients}->{$client->ID} = $client;
>         print "Client: ",$client->ID," connected\n" if $self->debug;
> }
> sub listenerFailure {
>         warn "Listener Failure\n";
> }
> sub clientInput {
>         my ($kernel, $heap, $data, $clientID) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0,
> ARG1];
>         $heap->{clients}{$clientID}->put($data);
> }
> sub client_error {
>         my ($kernel, $heap, $errorstr, $error, $clientID) =
>                 @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1, ARG3];
>         warn "Wheel Error: $errorstr\n" if $error;
>         delete $heap->{clients}->{$clientID};
> }
> sub flushed_state {
>     # Stop a wheel after all outgoing data is flushed.
>     # This frees the wheel's resources, including the
>     # filehandle, and closes the connection.
> print "in flush\n";
>     delete $_[HEAP]->{wheel}->{$_[ARG0]};
> }
> 1;

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