On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 09:02:03PM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
> not necessarily, but i would like that the bot doesn't stop any action
> until those throttled commands are send out...
> the help message my bot sends out is quite long in the meantime, if one
> user asks the help, the bot won't do anything else until that help was
> send out.... and that is terrific.... event driven is sometimes inferior
> to multitask.... 
> is there any way to get the PoCo::IRC to relieve the iron grasp on the
> eventloop while it is dripping at nearly unbearable speed (i type myself
>     much faster....) the data to the user?

PoCo::IRC's flood protection code buffers messages so they can be sent
at a rate that won't flood programs off.  Ircds, you see, also
throttle messages, and if too many accumulate on the server, they will
disconnect you.

As was mentioned in another message, you can set Flood => 1 (in the
connect message you send to PoCo::IRC).  That disables PoCo::IRC's
flood protection, permitting it to send messages to the server at full
speed.  I've sent Dennis a patch to document the Flood parameter, so
it won't be obscure for much longer.

You may not notice much improvement because the ircd's own throttling
will come into play.  There's nothing PoCo::IRC can do about that, but
you can tweak the icrd if you administer it.

It's possible perhaps to extend the flood protection buffer.  Namely,
it can track messages by destination (channel or private user) and
interleave simultaneous responses.  For example, if two people request
help, it might send the first line of the response to Person_A, then
Person_B, then Person_A gets the second line, then Person_B, and so

This won't help with Flood => 1.  The send buffer would be disabled,
and it would be up to the ircd to do the right thing.

-- Rocco Caputo

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