I have a POE server app which uses POE::Component::Server::TCP  and
POE::Filter::Reference.  How do I have a non POE app send a reference to the
server app?

You can use POE::Filter::Reference without POE. Example:

use POE::Filter::Reference;
use Data::Dumper;

my $filter = POE::Filter::Reference->new("YAML");
my $test;

print @{ $test = $filter->put([ { whatsup => "yo" } ]) };
print Dumper $filter->get($test);

And the output should look like this:

26--- #YAML:1.0
whatsup: yo

$VAR1 = [
           'whatsup' => 'yo'

See the POE::Filter::Reference documentation form more information.

- Scott

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