On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 11:02:14AM -0400, Rocco Caputo wrote:
> POE 0.2802 (CPAN) added dynamic loading for POE::Loop classes.  They
> don't need to be hardcoded into POE::Kernel anymore.
> Matt Cashner suggested in IRC that we split the POE::Loop classes with
> external dependencies into separate distributions.

I'm all in favour of this - especially since it means we can (should?) add
the appropriate support modules as dependencies of the additional event loops
- that or create (e.g.) a Bundle::POE::Gtk etc.

Bring me my etherkiller; Oh clouds unfold! / Bring me the magic smoke of desire
I shall not cease from mental fight / Nor shall my LART rest in my hand
Till we have buried the bodies / Of all the lusers in all this land
  -- rpg, ASR                        [ My homepage is http://www.trout.me.uk/ ]

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