On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 01:31:36PM -0400, Ben Kennedy wrote:
> "Rocco Caputo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Dylan Hardison asked on IRC whether it was possible to limit the
> > length of an input line using POE::Filter::Line.  I admitted that it's
> > not currently an option but could become one.
> >
> > We put down some ideas about what to do with long lines.  Four
> > possibilities came up:
> >
> >   Ignore the excess characters on a line.  Return a truncated line
> >   with no exception.
> >
> >   Same as #1, but with some sort of marker signaling an exception.
> >
> >   Discard the long line entirely.  Don't return anything, and don't
> >   throw an exception.
> >
> >   Same as the preceding, but with an exception marker attached.
> Using the filter as just a tool to truncate long lines seems counter to the
> general goal of being a protocol abstraction layer.  However, if the
> protocol is in fact "lines less than N bytes", the behavior when seeing a
> longer line should be the same as when POE::Filter::Reference sees a stream
> of bytes it can't thaw.  Ideally, I would love to see any exceptions in the
> protocol be handled by the same mechanism as any error by triggering the
> ErrorEvent of the wheel, or creating a new FilterError event that can be
> triggered whenever a Filter class throws an exception.

The idea came up after Dylan asked what would happen if someone sent a
lot of data without a newline.  The answer today is: Your process
would eventually run out of memory and exit.

It's not a very good answer.

I like the idea of throwing filter exceptions as a different event.  I
think it could be generalized as a basic out-of-band event.  It could
also report real out-of-band data, as found in STDERR and in OOB

Making it work would require some fundamental changes to filters.  I
don't think backwards compatibility can be guaranteed here, but any
hypothetical breakage would be hidden behind the POE::Wheel interface.
People won't notice it unless they have custom wheel, filter, or
driver classes.

It might be useful to consider a hypothetical POE::Wheel::SendRecv
while we're discussing out-of-band data.  Recv() returns a peer
address on successful receipt of a packet.  It's used in
connectionless UDP programs, where each packet may come from a
different location.

It's important to associate the peer address with each packet so a
program can send a response to the right place.  A separate
out-of-band channel doesn't help here.  Is there a way to reconcile
both types of meta-data?

-- Rocco Caputo

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