On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 02:01:38PM +1000, Leigh Sharpe wrote:
> Hi all,
>  Is it possible to pass information between states using
> POE::Component::Clinet::Ping?
>  What I'm trying to do is ping the same target 5 times in succession, and
> then see if all pings come back in the same order as they left. I need to be
> able to tell, in the got_pong state, which packet has caused the state to be
> called. Under certain network conditoins, packets may come back out of
> order, and I need to know what order they arrived in. The request time isn't
> precise enough to tell.
> Any ideas?

Please ignore my previous message.  The SYNOPSIS code I copied has
errors.  A new POE::Component::Client::Ping with better documentation
is on its way to the CPAN.


A single session cannot request multiple pings for the same address at
the same time.  The component uses the session ID and request address
as a key into its internal data structures.  A subsequent request will
overwrite a previous identical one.

There is a workaround, however.  The program could create six
sessions.  Five would manage simultaneous pings, and a sixth would
trigger them in order and gather their responses.

-- Rocco Caputo

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