On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 12:33:11PM -0700, Randall Marbach wrote:
> Hi ALL
> Anybody out there have any leads/experience writing a
> BPEL4WS workflow engine in perl/POE?
> Is there an interest in such a module?

BPEL4WS?!  Let's ask the web:

Business Process Execution Language 4or Web Services.  There's a nice
overview and a detailed specification at these links, respectively.


It looks like an interesting technology.  I don't have immediate need
for it, but surely someone does.

Rocco Caputo - http://poe.perl.org/
  • BPEL4WS Randall Marbach
    • Re: BPEL4WS Rocco Caputo

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