On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 02:12:19PM -0400, Rocco Caputo wrote:
> Do you have an HTTP_PROXY environment variable set?  Can you reach
but i suspect my provider to have a transparent one installed...

> http://poe.perl.org/ ?  Both HTTP.pm and t/01_request.t have DEBUG
with my webbrowser? yes, no problem whatsoever....
> constants.  Perhaps turning them on will show more information.
turned on:

and indeed... quite strange, checked POE::Component::Client::DNS but its
up to date....

here goes the errlog:
,--- starting a http client component ----
| alias     : weeble
| timeout   : 180
| agent     : POE-Component-Client-HTTP/0.64 (perl; N; POE; en; rv:0.640000)
| protocol  : HTTP/1.0
| max_size  : 4096
| streaming : (undef)
| cookie_jar: (undef)
| from      : (undef)
| proxy     : (undef)
| no_proxy  : (undef)
,--- starting a http client component ----
| alias     : streamer
| timeout   : 180
| agent     : POE-Component-Client-HTTP/0.64 (perl; N; POE; en; rv:0.640000)
| protocol  : HTTP/1.0
| max_size  : (undef)
| streaming : 1024
| cookie_jar: (undef)
| from      : (undef)
| proxy     : (undef)
| no_proxy  : (undef)
,--- starting a http client component ----
| alias     : redirector
| timeout   : 180
| agent     : POE-Component-Client-HTTP/0.64 (perl; N; POE; en; rv:0.640000)
| protocol  : HTTP/1.0
| max_size  : (undef)
| streaming : (undef)
| cookie_jar: (undef)
| from      : (undef)
| proxy     : (undef)
| no_proxy  : (undef)
client starting...
weeble got a request...
DNS: poe.perl.org is being looked up in the background.
weeble got a request...
DNS: poe.perl.org is piggybacking on a pending lookup.
weeble got a request...
DNS: poe.perl.org is piggybacking on a pending lookup.
weeble got a request...
DNS: sourceforge.net is being looked up in the background.
weeble got a request...
DNS: poe.perl.org is piggybacking on a pending lookup.
weeble got a request...
DNS: foo.poe.perl.org is being looked up in the background.
weeble got a request...
DNS: poe.perl.org is piggybacking on a pending lookup.
weeble got a request...
DNS: poe.perl.org is being looked up in the background.
weeble got a request...
DNS: poe.perl.org is being looked up in the background.
poe.perl.org at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/POE/Component/Client/HTTP.pm line 441.
sourceforge.net at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/POE/Component/Client/HTTP.pm line 441.
poe.perl.org at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/POE/Component/Client/HTTP.pm line 441.
poe.perl.org at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/POE/Component/Client/HTTP.pm line 441.
client got stream request...
| 500 (Internal Server Error) 
| <HTML>
| <HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY>
| <H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
| 500 Cannot connect to poe.perl.org:80 (Host has no address.)
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
client got request...
| 500 (Internal Server Error) 
| <HTML>
| <HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY>
| <H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
| 500 Cannot connect to sourceforge.net:443 (Host has no address.)
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
client got request...
| 500 (Internal Server Error) 
| <HTML>
| <HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY>
| <H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
| 500 Cannot connect to poe.perl.org:80 (Host has no address.)
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
client got request...
| 500 (Internal Server Error) 
| <HTML>
| <HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY>
| <H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
| 500 Cannot connect to poe.perl.org:80 (Host has no address.)
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
client got request...
| 500 (Internal Server Error) 
| <HTML>
| <HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY>
| <H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
| 500 Cannot connect to poe.perl.org:80 (Host has no address.)
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
client got request...
| 500 (Internal Server Error) 
| <HTML>
| <HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY>
| <H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
| 500 Cannot connect to poe.perl.org:80 (Host has no address.)
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
client got big request...
| 500 (Internal Server Error) 
| <HTML>
| <HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY>
| <H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
| 500 Cannot connect to poe.perl.org:80 (Host has no address.)
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
client got redirected response...
| 500 (Internal Server Error) 
| <HTML>
| <HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY>
| <H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
| 500 Cannot connect to poe.perl.org:80 (Host has no address.)
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
foo.poe.perl.org at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/POE/Component/Client/HTTP.pm line 441.
client got request...
| 500 (Internal Server Error) 
| <HTML>
| <HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY>
| <H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
| 500 Cannot connect to foo.poe.perl.org:80 (Host has no address.)
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
client stopped...
ciao bboett

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