
I am working on creating a proxy server based off the example given on the
poe.perl.org website for a HTTP Proxy.

I have tried to change it to use streaming, however, I am finding that
often the responses are incomplete and the wheels in
POE::Component::Client::HTTP report read errors. This problem seems to be
particularily bad when multiple requests are being made at the same time.
However, when I do not use streaming, everything works fine.
Interestingly, even without streaming there are still some read errors,
but they do not seem to affect the content returned in the response
object. I am making this proxy for a Windows system.

I would be very happy if you could quickly take a look at the code to try
and see why this is not working. The problem may be in the way
POE::Component::Client::HTTP handles streaming (I am using v 1.56
2004/07/13 18:02:37 rcaputo), but more likely its the way I am interfacing

The only routine changed heavily is handle_http_response from the example
off the POE website.

Thanks in advance,
George Pabst

use warnings;
use strict;

use POE;
use POE::Component::Server::TCP;
use POE::Component::Client::HTTP;
use POE::Filter::HTTPD;
use HTTP::Response;
use Compress::Zlib;

sub DUMP_REQUESTS ()  { 0 }
sub DUMP_RESPONSES () { 0 }
sub LISTEN_PORT ()    { 8088 }

### Spawn a web client to fetch requests through.

our $HTTP_VER = '1.0'; # Version of HTTP to report to servers and clients
our $COMPRESS_TEXT = 1; # GZIP compress HTML and text
our $CRLF = "\015\012";

POE::Component::Client::HTTP->spawn(Protocol => "HTTP/$HTTP_VER", Alias =>
'ua', Agent => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)', Streaming => 4096, FollowRedirects
=> 0);

### Spawn a web server.

# The ClientInput function is called to deal with client input.
# ClientInput's callback function will receive entire HTTP requests
# because this server uses POE::Filter::HTTPD to parse its input.
# InlineStates let us attach our own events and handlers to a TCP
# server.  Here we attach a handler for the got_response event, which
# will be sent to us by Client::HTTP when it has fetched something.

  ( Alias => "web_server",
    Port         => LISTEN_PORT,
    ClientFilter => 'POE::Filter::HTTPD',

    ClientInput => \&handle_http_request,
    InlineStates => { got_response => \&handle_http_response, },

### Run the proxy until it is done, then exit.

exit 0;

### Handle HTTP requests from the client.  Pass them to the HTTP
### client component for further processing.  Optionally dump the
### request as text to STDOUT.

sub handle_http_request {
    my ( $kernel, $heap, $request ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0 ];

    # If the request is really a HTTP::Response, then it indicates a
    # problem parsing the client's request.  Send the response back so
    # the client knows what's happened.
    if ( $request->isa("HTTP::Response") ) {

    # Client::HTTP doesn't support keep-alives yet.
    $request->header( "Connection",       "close" );
    $request->header( "Proxy-Connection", "close" );

    display_thing( $request->as_string() ) if DUMP_REQUESTS;
    $heap->{client}->set_output_filter(POE::Filter::Stream->new() ) if
    $kernel->post( "ua" => "request", "got_response", $request );

### Handle HTTP responses from the POE::Component::Client::HTTP we've
### spawned at the beginning of the program.  Send each response back
### to the client that requested it.  Optionally display the response
### as text.

sub handle_http_response{
    my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
                my $http_response = $_[ARG1]->[0];
    my $chunk = $_[ARG1]->[1];
    return if ((!$http_response) && (!$chunk));
                unless ( ($sent_headers) ) {
                        $sent_headers = 1;
                        if ($http_response->content_type =~ /text|html/i){
                                $is_text = 1;
                                print "Document is text\n";
                        #       unless ($heap->{request}->header("X-IO-Error")){
$http_response->remove_header("Content-Length") unless
. " " .
$http_response->code . " (" . $http_response->message . ") " . $CRLF) if
                                        print $http_response->code . " (" . 
$http_response->message . ") " .
$http_response->protocol . $CRLF;
$heap->{client}->put($http_response->headers_as_string($CRLF) . $CRLF) if
                                        print $http_response->headers_as_string("\n") 
. "\n";
                                        $is_text = 0;
                        #       }
                        #       else{ print "Continuing disrupted connection for " .
$heap->{request}->uri . "\n"; }
        our $chunksent;
        our ($content, $totlen);
        $totlen = 0 if (not defined $totlen);
    if ((defined($chunk) && $chunk ne '-1')){
        if (length($chunk) > 0 && $chunk ne '-1'){
                $heap->{client}->put($chunk) if ((not $is_text) &&
                print "Sent chunk of length " . length($chunk) . " bytes\n";
                        $totlen += length($chunk);
                        if (!defined($heap->{client})){
                $content .= $chunk if ($is_text == 1 && $chunk ne '-1');
                $totlen += length($chunk);
        my $clen = length($content);
        #if ($http_response->header("Content-Length") > $totlen){ # Response
was not fully received
        #       $heap->{request}->header("Range","bytes=$clen-" .
        #       $heap->{request}->header("X-IO-Error",1);
        #       print "Resending request with range header (Content-Length = $clen)
" . $heap->{request}->header("Range") . " for " . $heap->{request}->uri .
        #       $kernel->post( "streamua" => "request", "got_stream",
$heap->{request} ); # Resubmit the request
        #       return;
                if ($http_response->header('Content-Encoding') =~ /gzip/i){
    if ($COMPRESS_TEXT && ($http_response->code == 200) &&
(lc($http_response->content_type) eq 'text/html') ||
(lc($http_response->content_type) eq 'text/plain') &&
($heap->{request}->header("Accept-Encoding") =~ /gzip/i) &&
($http_response->header("Content-Encoding") !~ /gzip/i)){
                print "Length of content before gzip is " .
length($http_response->content) . "\n";
        if ($is_text == 1){
                if (($http_response->code == 200) && ($http_response->content_type)){
                                        use bytes ();
                                $heap->{client}->put($http_response->protocol . " " . 
 " (" . $http_response->message . ") " . $CRLF) if (defined($heap->{client}));
                                print $http_response->protocol . " " . 
$http_response->code . " (" .
$http_response->message . ") " . $CRLF;
                $heap->{client}->put($http_response->headers_as_string($CRLF) .
$CRLF) if (defined($heap->{client}));
                print $http_response->headers_as_string($CRLF) . $CRLF;
                $heap->{client}->put($http_response->content) if
                print "Length of content at end of handle_http_response is " .
length($http_response->content), "\n";
                        $content = '';
                $sent_headers = 0;
                $is_text = 0;
                $totlen = 0;
### Display requests and responses with brackets around them so they
### stand apart.
sub display_thing {
    my $thing = shift;
    $thing =~ s/^/| /mg;
    print ",", '-' x 78, "\n";
    print $thing;
    print "`", '-' x 78, "\n";

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