I have a problem with the tests on POE 0.3003 on cygwin running Windows XP with perl 5.8.5. I don't believe it is a POE bug, but I am curious if any other cygwin users have experienced it.
Test 11 of 17 in 10_units/04_drivers/01_sysrw.t locks up perl. I have traced the problem through to POE::Drivers::SysRW, in the flush method. Running through the perl debugger, I have discovered that perl locks on the third call to syswrite in the loop.
Looking at the CVS diff of SysRW.pm, the only thing that has been added in that method since that last stable release of POE was line 140:
$! = 0 if defined $wrote_count;
but I don't think this has anything to do with the problem, so I feel the problem is elsewhere.

Anyhow, since syswrite is hanging, my feeling is that this is a cygwin bug, or a cygwin perl bug. Has anyone else had success with cygwin. If so, please post what version of the cygwin dlls you are using and what version of perl.

Leif Gustafson

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