Mattia Barbon (the maintainer for wxPerl) created a POE::Loop::Wx module a while back. It worked until the POE 3.003 release, but a few simple tweaks (looking at POE::Loop::Gtk) was enough to get it working again. I have attached the module and a wxPerl script.

I have a few questions for the list (thanks in advance for any help):

1) the page lists Michael Fowler as the author of an unposted version of POE::Loop::Wx. I sent an email to him back on October but have not received any response. What is the process for getting this new version on the site?

2) Would it be possible to get this supported in the main POE distro (along with Tk and Gtk)?

3) It's not quite there yet -- on exit, which calls Wx::wxTheApp->ExitMainLoop();
I get the following messages. Being relatively new to this level of POE internals, any suggestions of how to plug these leaks?

!!! Leaked session ID: 3 = POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8066448)
!!! Leaked session ID: = POE::Kernel=ARRAY(0x837f6e8)
!!! Leaked session ID: 2 = POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8129580)
!!! Leak sid cross-reference: POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8066448) = 3
!!! Leak sid cross-reference: POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8129580) = 2
!!! Leak sid cross-reference: POE::Kernel=ARRAY(0x837f6e8) =
!!! Leaked alias: MyApp = POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8066448)
!!! Leaked alias cross-reference: POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8066448) (MyApp)
!!! Leaked event-to count: POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8066448) = 0
!!! Leaked event-to count: POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8129580) = 1
!!! Leaked event-to count: POE::Kernel=ARRAY(0x837f6e8) = 1
!!! Leaked event-from count: POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8066448) = 0
!!! Leaked event-from count: POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8129580) = 1
!!! Leaked event-from count: POE::Kernel=ARRAY(0x837f6e8) = 1
!!! Leaked session: POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8066448)
!!! refcnt = 1
!!! parent = POE::Kernel=ARRAY(0x837f6e8)
!!! childs =
!!! procs =
!!! Leaked session: POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8129580)
!!! refcnt = 2
!!! parent = POE::Kernel=ARRAY(0x837f6e8)
!!! childs =
!!! procs =
!!! Leaked session: POE::Kernel=ARRAY(0x837f6e8)
!!! refcnt = 4
!!! parent =
!!! childs = POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8066448); POE::Session=ARRAY(0x8129580)
!!! procs =

Attachment: WxLoop.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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