Doing it that way makes encapsulation gods cry.
My apologies to the encapsulation gods... Just wanted to make sure the data existed *somewhere* before asking how to get at it correctly...

{remote} is part of IKC::responder.  It's a hash of every remote kernel,
keyed on kernel ID, kernel name (as passed to IKC::Client) and kernel
aliases.  As such, it won't be useful for finding out what new kernel has

What do you want the IP for?  Would ARG0 (that is, the name you registered
to monitor) or ARG1 (name or alias of remote IKC) do?  For logging or
uniquely IDing stuff, they should be sufficient.
What I'm really interested in is looking at the remote IP during registration and potentially rejecting the connection if it is coming from an unapproved address or block. Is there a better way to do that?

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