On Friday 19 August 2005 4:59 am, Abhishek Jain wrote:
> Hi Friends,
> Has anyone here used  POE::Component::Client::POP3 .
> I wanted to know that is there any known bug in this module. because on
> bugs section on
> http://search.cpan.org/~sabeck/POE-Component-Client-POP3-0.02/POP3.pm
> written plenty of bugs.

I wrote that because it's not very well tested and no one that I know of is 
currently using it from any large projects.

> Also Is this better than NET::POP3 (If using event driven programming is
> not an issue.)

Probably not, but with people using it and reporting bugs, patching etc, it 
could be.

> Also What is the Bind Address and port . I do not understand this term
> clearly.

It's the local address the program binds to when connecting. It's passed along 
to POE::Wheel::SocketFactory as the BindAddress argument.



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